MIT 6.824 lab
· ☕ 4 min read
According to Collaboration Policy, detailed code will not be placed here. Just record the problems encountered during the lab. Pre go env 1 2 3 sudo apt install go go env -w GO111MODULE=on go env -w GOPROXY=,direct source code 1 2 3 git clone git:// 6.824 cd 6.824 go mod init 6.824-lab Lab1:MapReduce 前置知识:Go & net/rpc 题目中 src/mrapps/wc.go 中是已经

· ☕ 3 min read
针对给定语法设计递归下降分析程序,以对任意输入的符号串进行语法分析。语法如下 1 2 3 4 5 exp -> exp addop term | term addop -> + | - term = term mulop factor | factor mulop = * factor = ( exp )

CS231 Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition——Stanford
· ☕ 2 min read
Where is article comes from? An idea of a pornography detection project for ciscn 2021. And when searching on Google, I came accross a report from cs231n named Combining CNNs for detecting pornography in the absence of labeled training data. 历史介绍 人们提出一个问题:我们是否具备了识别真实世界中的每一

· ☕ 6 min read
数据表示和存储 定点数和浮点数 计算机中只能通过约定小数点的位置来表示 定点数——小数点位置约定在固定位置的数 浮点数——小数点位置约定为可浮动的数

CS229 Machine Learning——Andrew Ng——Stanford
· ☕ 43 min read
1 Introduction what is machine learning supervised learning supervised learning regression problem predict a continuous valued output classification problem predict a discrete valued output SVM(Support Vector Machine) is a kind of generalized linear classification that classifies data by supervised learning unsupervised learning unsupervised learning Cluster Algorithm Google news Facebook friends 2. Linear Regression with One Variable 2.1 Model Representation Linear regression with one variable. Univariate linear regression. m —— the number of training examples